Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Fabric

Got some new fabric :)
It'll be great for for pouches and purse lining I'm sure.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Next project

Disassembling a pair of corduroy jeans for my next project.
Going to make a purse of two.
Wanted any old jeans and pants, I'm happy to take them.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fixing things up

Fixing up the diaper bags. And have a few pictures.

With the edging fixed and far less fraying.

The flap was removed from the second one. Forgot a lot of important parts in my rush to get things done.
And a first look at the second bag.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's done

Too tired for pictures, I'll get some of the bag back home. Still need to stitch in the sides, but I'm sure I can find time to do that Saturday. Because I still need to do the same for the first bag.
I'll just be bringing needle, thread, scissors and such to finish it up.
Still haven't packed for my trip.
But I did at least remember to find cute bags to put the bags in to give them to the girls.

Sleep now.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A bit of sadness

As you can see, my cutting pad no longer lays flat. I won't name names but it's the fault of the ex, putting it in my car and not telling me during 100 degree weather. These things are not cheap. But I suppose to his defense he didn't know any better.
It sure makes cutting fun!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Bag!

Continuing on with bag making. Hopefully things bag will go a LOT smoother. Also, I don't have nearly as much time to goof around putting off working. I leave Thursday night to drive the long drive to Massachusetts. It needs to be done no later than Wednesday!
Materials are the same as the last round, though the liner is red, white and blue, with red thread. I'll post it as soon as it looks brighter out in the kitchen to get the full lovely color.
Edit- Lining photo, partially interfaced

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Done! Well, almost....

It is done, minus a few very small things that I'm going to sew by hand, just for ease.
The outside.

Front pocket, with flap showing.

Unsnapable strap, for easy removal

Inside, with pocket.

Also adjustable.
And my bag blooper- Not so pro-tip! When adding a snap, make sure you have the pocket right side up, or stuff will just fall out of it!

Now, just have to fix some fraying hand sew the few things that need fixing and it's on to the next bag. Hopefully armed with what I learned, this will be faster with less grief!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Even closer to done!

Worked on what I thought would be the hardest part. The heavy duty snaps!
I know, they weren't listed in my materials. I skipped using a few things and switched things around. For the lack of being able to find an adjustable slide (that I wouldn't have to order online) I opted for heavy duty snaps!

You'll see how it all comes together hopefully by tomorrow, because all that's left is the closer for the flap and to sew it all together!
I've got some poor lighting in this place so if it's not fiarly light out, it can be hard to work.
Here are a few more pictures.

The lining, the interface is showing for the moment, this is it all zipped up.

The inside with the inner pocket showing.

And! Thank goodness for hello kitty band-aids! The straight pins got me and the exacto knife I used to make holes for the snaps.

Nearly done

I have been working on the bag!
I have a few in progress pictures that I'll post up with the finished bag.
I was sick for a week in there so I've been a bit behind. Sewing just didn't seem like a fun activity when I was feeling like my head and sinuses might implode at any time.
Working out the strap with buttons as I type, well I will be as soon I finish typing this.
Went to jo-ann today with a trusty 40% off coupon and got two more yards of natural canvas ($10.99 a yard, yikes!) for $14and some change thanks to the coupon. I am loving those coupons! So as soon as I finish this bag it's straight into the second one.
I'm against the clock now. Getting sick was not in the plan and put me really far behind!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Getting things together

I was a bit delayed because of my lack of interfacing. I should know better than to start a project without having all I need. I am teaching myself as I go, so I'll use that as my excuse.

I've finally gotten all my pieces cut, minus the interfacing. That's the next step. Once I get that together, I can pin the lining and get that sewn together.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Messenger/diaper bag

Below is the material for my newest project. Honestly one I should have started a while ago, but just didn't feel inspired to get to. But hopefully I can make some progress with it this weekend.
I've of course misplaced the fusible interfacing I had, so I'll have to go get more. Yay for coupons from Jo-Anns!

Frogs, puppies and natural duck cloth 10 oz.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another pincushion-

(I should note, I've been trying to make this post since shortly after noon. My phone is such a PITA)
After talking a bit with a co-worker came up with a few new idea for the flower pot pincushions.

Top View

We were talking about scrapbook stickers. I don't do scrapbooking, but I went and found a bunch of really cute, 3D-ish stickers that I thought would be cute to use.
I plan on making straight pins to match the theme, probably a bit later.

I'll post them when I do.
Slightly closer look.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Finally, a crafty thing!

It took a while, but I've finally done the project from the last post!
It was a whole lot of trial and error, but it's finally done.
The pin in it is another thing I'm working on to go with the pincushions.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Getting ready to start a new project-

Getting ready to start a new project this weekend! Aside from fixing the bag I did last weekend, I'll be starting to make pin cushions. I'll be posting materials shortly.